Women and academy in Mexico: advances, challenges and contradictions


  • Mayabel Ranero-Castro


segregation, academic women, glass ceiling, double working day


In the educational development of the recent Mexico, the totals are analysed and character of the women who enter to the superior education institutions and to the post grade. There is checked the academicians’ differentiated integration in the (NSR) National System of Researchers as well as the labour segmentation that it characterizes to the Mexican academy. We emphasize the socio historical causality from such a differentiation and there sign up causes and possible lineaments of attention or procedure in the higher education institutions in Mexico.



How to Cite

Ranero-Castro, M. . (2018). Women and academy in Mexico: advances, challenges and contradictions. Revista Eduscientia. Divulgación De La Ciencia Educativa, 1(1), 72–88. Retrieved from https://www.eduscientia.com/index.php/journal/article/view/9



Theoretical review and empirical research